Sun City Duplicate Bridge Club

Location : Lakeview Recreation Center, Upper Level, Social Hall #1 and #2.
                10626 W. Thunderbird Blvd (between 103rd & Del Webb Blvd (107th Ave). Sun City, AZ 85351
                Use Red Ramp for easy access to our Club.

Game Time : 1:00 - 4:30 pm, Monday and Friday (Check Calendar for Non-Play Days)
                  For daily games, PLEASE do NOT arrive before 12:15pm. But please do arrive by 12:50pm

Membership : $5/year (due first time you play in the new year)
Game Fees :    $4 for Members; $6 for Guests. Fees for Special Games vary

The Sun City Duplicate Bridge Club (ACBL Sanctioned) is a Zero Tolerance and fragrance free Bridge Club.
Everyone is encouraged to play nice and be courteous to members, guests, and directors. Please, do not snap your cards!
Players are expected to keep the game moving, pick up and dispose of any trash, return supplies and equipment to the proper location after play, take all your personal belongings with you.

If you have any questions about our Club, please contact one of our club officers as listed on our Club Officers web page
Partners are required. For information on finding a partner see our Partnership web page

We hope to see you at the bridge table!